Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Agenda for 1/24/17

Google Tour of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

You are going to create your own Google Tour of the Lewis and Clark expedition that illustrates how the expedition is also an example of the Hero's Journey. Please go to Tour Builder to begin. Your tour needs to include the following things:

1.     Please label your tour "NAME- Lewis and Clark Tour"
2.    All five aspects of "The Hero's Journey"- the call, departure, ordeals, crisis and lesson, and return
3.    Each location on your tour needs to be labeled first with the aspect of the hero's journey that it demonstrates as well as the name of the location. Example: "The Call- Washington DC"
4.    Each location needs to include a picture to illustrate it.
5.    Each location needs to include a sentence explaining how it illustrates the Hero's Journey. 
6.    Your tour should include AT LEAST seven spots.
7.     Once you have finished your tour, please click on share and then copy your link.

8.    Next, fill out the Google Form below. Please paste your link to submit your tour.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Agenda for 1/17/17

Campaign Commercial Requirements

Campaign Commercial

Create a 30 - 60 second advertisement for either the Federalist or Democratic-Republican party. Your commercial will be shown in class.

1. Choose your party.

2. Choose which form of advertisement you will create.
-You can create a positive ad for your candidate or a negative ad that attacks your opponent.

3. Choose 2 political issues you will use in your advertisement.

4. Develop a script for your commercial.
-Create a script i Google Docs that is shared between you and your partner. At the top of your script, identify which political party you are creating the commercial for, what advertising techniques you are going to use, and what two topics you are going to address in your commercial.
-Campaign Commercial Rubric

5. Create your campaign commercial using- Powtoon

-Either you or your partner will need to create an account

-To create a link to your commercial, you need to export your
Powtoon as an embed file. One you have followed the steps, a box
will pop up which contains the link to the commercial. Please copy
and paste the link that starts with "http://" into the Google Form

6. Submit your finished product:

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